Zachariah Brown
Boston, MA
To design and develop high quality software to solve complex problems with innovative solutions in fast pace collaborative environments.
Technical Skills
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
C#, Java
GO, SQL, C and C++
React, Redux, Immutable, Moment, Cesium, Jasmine, Intern, Chia
Sublime Text, Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server, Git, GitHub, SourceTree, SVN, Chrome & Firefox Developer Tools, Jenkins
Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
Zachariah Brown
Software Engineer & Leader
Career Experience
Senior Software Engineer I
- Work on core pages of SaaS application using a modern JavaScript stack.
Novetta Solutions
Software Engineer, Manager
- Mentored and coached Engineers, responsible for performance reviews and goal management.
- Interviewed all engineering candidates.
- Development focus on long term performance issues and micro-service transition.
- Held active security clearance.
Software Engineer, Project Lead, Team Lead
- Led development and management for internal JavaScript web application framework.
- Designed and implemented cutting edge features while maintaining and refining the growing API.
- Maintained a high level of code quality and test coverage.
- Managed milestones, versioning and releases.
Software Engineer
- Modified existing software to correct errors and extend functionality.
- Integrated new sensor support based on manufacturer interface control documents.
- Responsible for tasking and mentoring interns.
Summer Software Engineer Intern
Stonehill College
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science
Svelte Workbench (JavaScript, Yomen, Svelte, Buble)
A Yeoman generator for scaffolding a development workspace for creating and packaging Svelte components. This project is available on NPM as generator-svelte-workbench.
Divvy Up (Go lang)
An exploratory project attempting to create a non-polynomial approximation algorithm for an NP-complete problem while learning Go.